What I Know For Sure

 You ever look at someone whom you saw a thousand times as if it was the first time you've seen them? Today as I was getting ready to begin my day I had to do a double take in the mirror. I almost didn't recognize the curvature who was starring back at me. Her eyes looked determined. She wasn't the same woman who was present a year ago. 

This journey called life is not scripted. It's unpredictable, scary, uncertain, but worth it. I've rediscovered things about me that had gotten lost over the years. It's been fun finding pieces of me that had gone missing for so long. The lessons were gift wrapped perfectly. So much so I didn't want to open it. I thought that the packaging was worth more than what was waiting for me on the inside. I'm glad that I unwrapped it. 

What I know for sure is that no matter the season God got me! His promises to me are real. Therefore, no matter the circumstance He remains in control. I can rest knowing I'm covered in His arms. He's rocked me to sleep a many of nights. The perfect Father, Dad, Daddy, He takes care of His daughter. Which has me thinking...how can I be a better daughter? I'm working on it daily. Growth doesn't come over night. It's a process. His love for me is beyond belief.

Don't be afraid to open up the packages that holds the lessons of life. There is always room to grow in most areas of our life. You're not in it alone. We're in it together. Live on purpose with purpose. Grow, dream and dare to be different. Also, understand that failure is only lessons to help you learn and grow, so your future will be better than your past. You got this!

Until next time..Live😘



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